About Tera


This is a place for me to share my mindset, movement and nutrition ideas and information.  There is so much conflicting and bogus information out there and I am sick and tired of being quiet about it.  Restrict carbs, cut out entire food groups,  beat your ass into the ground with your workouts, train 6 days a week with little recovery.  There are better and way more effective ways to eat and train and I am ready to share them with you.

Professional credentials

Pre 2008 was trial and error and learning from others and reading. I trained for the firefighter test with a couple of Iowa wrestlers . Talk about intense and not sustainable!  I also trained and competed in a sprint triathlon by reading a book.  In 2007 I was introduced to the kettlebell and started working with a real coach.  By early 2008 I was ready to start teaching others. I love to learn and am always willing to ask questions and have an open mind.

2008 RKC Level I www.dragondoor.com

2009 RKC Level II www.dragondoor.com

2010 Biomechanics of Movement level I www.gymmovement.com

2011 Biomechanics of Sports movement level II and pain relief  Level III www.gymmovement.com

2011 Nutrition class with Dr. Mike T Nelson www.humanperformance.com

2012 Movement Code Level I and Level II www.movementcode.net

2013 Youth conditioning specialist www.IYCA.com

2014 Change the Story Method Mind set www.changethestorymethod.com

2014 State of Iowa youth coaching certificate

2015 Certified Mindset Specialist Level 1 www.mindsetperformanceinstitute.com

 Straight from my heart

I have spent the last 9 years in the fitness industry and have been bombarded with promises of ” fast fast loss”, “sexy abs”, “looking sexy naked”.  It is all around us!  I am so tired of it.  For years I chased it.  Gaining an ego, becoming prideful, made myself sick and felt like I wasn’t good enough constantly.  Two years ago my family experience a terrible tragic event that completely changed my perspective.  I chase those things NO more! Being the best version of myself so I can be a great mother and coach is way more important now a days.

I am enough right now.  God has me exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment of my journey.  I am appreciating everything He has blessed me with.  My health, my strength, the bountiful food choice I have and the amazing family and friends in my life.  My intentions are to keep an open mind, always ask questions and be curious.  Buckle up! I am very excited to take this journey with you.


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