365 Strong: Life is my competition
Almost two years ago I was so wrapped up in “looking sexy naked”, having “sexy abs”, having a heavier press and heavier deadlift, comparing myself to others and trying to out do everyone. All the while battling my inner voice telling me I was not good enough, strong enough, tight enough with my nutrition, not a good mother, not a good wife, not a good coach. It was terrible. Then something even more terrible happened. K.J. my sweet smiling cousin committed suicide and it shattered my world.
There is way more to life than chasing so un attainable perfect cover model physique. Now I preach 365 Strong: Life in my competition. I focus on being the best version of Tera that I can in this moment. I am trying to listen and honor my body, mind and soul. I have really been working on letting go of my pride and ego as it does not serve me. Every day I am doing a little something to be healthy, move better, help others. And this is my journey. Here are three questions I ask myself each morning when I wake.
Mind: What am I grateful for?
Body: How is my energy?
Soul: What can I do today to help someone who can do nothing to repay me?