Monthly Archives: January 2015

“Calgon take me away!”

Hello and I am so thankful you are here reading!

Do you all remember that commercial growing up?!?  I get it now. With three boys and a couple businesses and just being plain busy. I get it!

One of my intentions for 2015 is to manage my stress better.  In the gym I am always trying to put mental state before physcial skill with my members and myself.  I am super good/bad at keeping things in and bottling emotions up and then having them explode when I can’t take it anymore.  Something I am really working on is communication, stress reduction, and being grateful for where I am at right now.

Here are some things to know about stress.  There are two types of stress.  Eustress is a stress that is short term, it motivates and focuses us, feels great and causes positive adaptations in our body.  Distress on the other hand is usually long term/ chronic, outside our bodies coping capabilities, drains us, feels very unpleasant and can lead to health problems ( aka negative adaptations). 

Our bodies can not tell where the stress is coming from.  Our work, our food choices, our workout, or our relationships.  We need to be very aware and mindful to keep our food choices and workouts in a eustress state and keep our distress under control to feel and perform our best!  

Strive to feel strong during your workout.  Do not over train and under eat.  Your recovery is so important. Sometimes I think even more important than the actual workout!  Eat foods that make you feel better, keep your energy up and cravings down.  Walk and move more throughout your day. Get 8 hours a restful sleep at night, take hot baths, and enjoy time with family and friends to help combat the distress in your life.

Let me know your favorite way to keep stress in check?


Thank God it’s Monday!

I feel so incredibly blessed that I am alive,  that I am healthy enough to train today and have an abundance of food to choose from to eat.  That may sound silly to some of you but not to long ago I was very ungrateful for all I have, angry at myself and filled with shame about what I chose to eat,  how I performed in the gym, the kind of coach I was, the business person I was, the parent I was being to my three son’s,  the way my body looked and many more!  It was eating me form the inside out and affecting my health, my finances and my relationships.

What has changed you ask?  Lots!  My mindset, my movement and my nutrition.  But NOT over night. Your external world is a mirror reflection of your internal environment.  I have been working on resting my internal environment for the last 14 months.  I am still a work in progress but I am super excited to share with you what has helped me work on that internal environment.  I want to share everything that  has helped me enjoy my training again, move better, get stronger and leaner and the strategies I use that helped me with my relationship with food. Today though I want to share a bit about mindset.  I think it all stems from mindset.

What creates our internal environment? Quiet a few things.  Our family, how we were raised, where we were raised, what we read, watch  and listen to from childhood to current day.   But first a more important question is WHAT IS OUR INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT?  WHAT IS OUR INTERNAL SELF TALK?  WHAT DOES THE VOICE IN OUR HEAD TELL US CONSTANTLY THROUGH OUT THE DAY?  First, we need to be aware of what that is and a great way to start awareness is with journaling.  It isn’t a gratitude journal but a dictate journal.  We are going to writing down all the  internal dialog.  All of our self chatter that goes on in our head.  Then we are going to go back and read and become aware of what those stories are.

Try it and let me know if you have questions!


The next post will be about what creates or internal environment.  Stay tuned and become aware!